Thyberg Law

Age Discrimination and Hiring

Feb 28, 2019 @ 11:55 AM — by Gregory Thyberg
Tagged with: Workplace Discrimination Employment Law

Any time a company targets employees based on their gender, race, age, disability, or religion, it’s unacceptable. Acts of workplace discrimination should never be tolerated, which is why the Sacramento, CA attorneys of ThybergLaw are here to help. Our lawyers will help identify evidence of discrimination and make sure the company in question is held accountable.

Age-based discrimination at the workplace tends to target older workers. In fact, age discrimination can even occur during the hiring process. Let’s consider these cases below in greater detail.

About Age Discrimination

Age discrimination involves any type of practice that shows bias against people because of their age. This kind of treatment is unacceptable. In hiring practices, disqualifying candidates simply because of their age is an act of discrimination. Factors other than age must be considered to determine if a job candidate is suitable or not suitable for a job.

Protections Against Age Discrimination

Both the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) protect older workers who are discriminated against. These federal and state laws apply predominantly to people who are age 40 and older, since they are often most affected by age discrimination in the workplace. The laws apply to hiring practices as well as other practices at the job if an older individual is hired.

Not Hired Because You Are Elderly

Many big companies tend to skew younger when looking for new employees, especially in California where so many startups and tech companies are based. Yet your age and experience should not be a liability when it comes to seeking employment. Your skills, qualifications, and your experience should be considered more than your age, no matter what job you’re applying for.

Not Hired Because You Are Too Young

While age discrimination against the young can happen, it is much rarer than discrimination against older workers. This is generally because of the current trend toward young and youthful corporate cultures. That said, there are times when your youth may be held against you despite qualifications and relevant experience.

Given that protections are not as strong for younger workers, it’s crucial that you speak with an attorney if you suspect you were not hired because of your age.

Signs of Age Discrimination

While you are at your job interview, you may get a sense that the company is trying to weed you out because of your age. Be mindful of questions about how old you are, specifically questions that focus on your age per se rather than the experience you can bring to the workplace. If you notice that many employees at the company are much younger, this could also be a sign of potential age discrimination.

How Our Attorneys Can Help

By working with our lawyers we will help you hold companies that discriminate on the basis of age acceptable for their illegal hiring practices. We can discuss if you have a case, what evidence can be used to build a strong case on your behalf, and what other matters to consider when it comes to these kinds of incidents.

Our goal is to ensure you have a strong legal basis for seeking action against the company, and that you understand all of your legal protections and rights covered by both federal and state laws.

Learn More About Your Legal Protections

For more information about employment law matters and how you can seek justice following discriminatory actions, be sure to contact an experienced workplace discrimination lawyer. The legal team at ThybergLaw is here to help you. Our attorneys can be reached by phone at (916) 204-9173.