Thyberg Law

Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Aug 6, 2022 @ 07:43 AM — by Gregory Thyberg
Tagged with: Disability Discrimination In The Workplace

Employee disability discrimination is against the law but, sadly, it happens frequently in the workplace. When disability discrimination takes place, employees who have been wronged may recover damages through a discrimination lawsuit. 

At Thyberg Law, attorney Gregory A. Thyberg helps recover financial compensation and hold employers liable for disability discrimination in the workplace in Sacramento, CA, and surrounding areas. Find out more as we take a closer look at disability discrimination in the workplace.

Protections from State and Federal Law

Employees with disabilities are protected from discrimination by state and federal laws. The two primary anti-discrimination laws include: 

Who Qualifies for Protection Under the FEHA?

The FEHA is broader than the ADA, giving qualified Californians more protections than with the federal law alone. However, there are certain qualifying factors that must be met in order to be protected by the FEHA. Employees must have:

Examples of Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Disability discrimination in the workplace happens when an employer treats an employee or applicant unfairly because they have a disability or history of a disability. Discrimination is sometimes obvious and other times more subtle. Some examples of disability discrimination in the workplace include:

Seek Compensation

Proving disability discrimination in the workplace can be complicated and challenging. A disability discrimination lawyer can help determine if discrimination took place and collect evidence to support such claims and recover compensation for damages including:

Contact Thyberg Law

If you believe you’ve experienced disability discrimination in the workplace, attorney Gregory Thyberg can review the details of your claim to help determine which legal options are right for you. Call our Sacramento law firm at (916) 204-9173 to schedule a consultation.