Thyberg Law

California False Claims: Qui Tam Action Statute of Limitations

Aug 1, 2023 @ 04:39 PM — by Gregory Thyberg
Tagged with: California False Claims Act Qui Tam Statute Of Limitations

Many labor laws and workplace statutes are designed to protect workers from discrimination and acts of retaliation. This is especially helpful for whistleblowers who can come forward and make positive social change by exposing illegal or unethical behavior at their workplace.

Thyberg Law in SacramentoCA, can help people with their false claims and qui tam whistleblower cases. Here, we’ll discuss the California False Claims Act (CFCA) as well as qui tam actions, particularly the statute of limitations to file a CFCA claim. Filing your action in time will help ensure your company no longer defrauds the state or local government.

What Is the Time Limit to File a Whistleblower Complaint?

Under the CFCA, a claim can be filed within the following two deadlines:

About the California False Claims Act

The California False Claims Act levies civil penalties against individuals or companies who commit theft, fraud, or embezzlement of state or local government funds. This covers the misappropriation of money, property, or other kinds of services that are linked to the state of California or local governing bodies within the state.

What Is Qui Tam Law?

Qui tam law covers the above matters noted in the CFCA and may also apply to the misuse of federal funds by an individual or corporation. The term qui tam is shortened from the Latin phrase, “qui tam domino rege quam pro se in hac sequitur,” which means "who brings the action for the king as well as himself."  

Identifying the misuse of federal, state, or local funds may require a skilled eye. If you have any suspicions that your employer or a coworker has violated the CFCA, it’s crucial that you speak with an employment attorney who understands the law for guidance.

What Is an Example of a CFCA Qui Tam Action?

An example of a CFCA qui tam action could involve a company that hires to renovate government offices in Sacramento, CA. While reviewing invoices, an employee for this construction and renovation company notices discrepancies. If it turns out that the company has been overbilling the government for the materials used and the work that was done, the employee who notices the issue can file a qui tam action.

CFCA and Whistleblower Protections

In addition to outlining statutes of limitations for qui tam actions, the CFCA also provides protections for people who report their company’s behavior. These whistleblowers have legal protections from retaliation. If you filed a qui tam action and have been targeted by your employer, a skilled whistleblower protection lawyer can help you understand what legal options are available to you.

Need to Speak with a Whistleblower Attorney? Contact Our Law Firm

If you are a whistleblower and need to discuss what steps you need to take next, contact our law firm today. The team at Thyberg Law in Sacramento can review your complaint and let you know how to protect yourself and your household as you serve the public good.