Why Whistleblowers Should Consult an Employment Law Attorney By Gregory Thyberg on August 15, 2024

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When an employee sees illegal or fraudulent activity being carried out by their employer, it’s important they feel empowered to report the activity without fear of retaliation or backlash. A whistleblower/qui tam attorney can support and guide employees through the complex process of filing a whistleblower claim.

Whistleblower retaliation lawyer Gregory Thyberg helps clients in Sacramento, CA, navigate filing a whistleblower complaint and can help you, too. Read on to learn more about why whistleblowers should consult an employment law attorney.

What Is a Whistleblower?

A whistleblower is someone, usually an employee, who reveals information about illegal or fraudulent activity within a company or organization.

Whistleblowing does not apply to workers who report violations of company policy but rather those who report activity that is in violation of state or federal law.

How Can an Employment Law Attorney Help?

Whistleblower laws and programs are often complicated, with specific requirements and timelines for when and where to file a complaint. Additionally, some laws, like the False Claims Act, require the whistleblower to have an attorney.

Even when an employment law attorney isn’t required, it’s a good idea to have one on your side if you intend to file a whistleblower complaint. If you’re still not convinced, read on to learn more about how an employment law attorney can help.

Navigate Complicated Whistleblower Laws and Programs

Filing a whistleblower claim in Sacramento can be a complicated process, with many strict protocols and requirements dictated by different laws and programs.

For example, a qui tam lawsuit (when claims of attempts to defraud the state or federal government are made) has many intricate procedural requirements that can be confusing to the layperson.

An employment law attorney can help navigate the process of filing a qui tam lawsuit or other whistleblower claim.

Whistleblower Protection

Although it is illegal for an employer to retaliate against a whistleblowing employee, retaliation is a real fear of many whistleblowers. Besides workplace retaliation, whistleblowers may be ostracized by others, blacklisted from an industry, or experience other forms of backlash.

An employment attorney can take steps to help protect the whistleblower’s anonymity and help seek recourse in the event of retaliation.

Additionally, sometimes a whistleblower may have participated in the illegal activity they are reporting. A whistleblower attorney can help whistleblowers understand the possible legal consequences they could face for their involvement as well as try to reduce possible consequences.

Build a Strong Case

Whistleblowers face a high level of scrutiny and have the burden of proving their claims. Accordingly, whistleblowers often need to provide evidence not readily available to the public, like internal emails, billing records, or test results, to show that a company or organization was participating in illegal or fraudulent activity. An employment law attorney can gather evidence to support a whistleblower claim and build a strong case.

Schedule a Consultation With Thyberg Law

If you have filed a whistleblower claim or intend to, it’s important to speak with an employment law attorney. To schedule a consultation and discuss your claim, please contact Thyberg Law in Sacramento.

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Thyberg Law

Since 1981, Gregory A. Thyberg has been providing legal services to clients throughout Sacramento. With a focus on employment law, he can help you find a solution when facing discrimination, harassment, or other workplace injustices. Mr. Thyberg is affiliated with organizations like the:

  • California Bar Association
  • San Francisco Trial Lawyer’s Association

If you're experiencing unlawful discrimination in the workplace, request a consultation with Mr. Thyberg or call (916) 204-9173.

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